Nurudeen Abdulsalaam

I'm a


  • All
  • Analysis
  • ML
  • Dashboard
Camera to denote movie industry
Time Series Analysis

I used Bitcoin's daily closing market price dataset from Jan 2012 to March 2021 Kaggle for this project. This work's main objective includes explaining how to analyze a time series and forecast its values using ARIMA and GARCH models.

WeRateDogs image
WeRateDogs Twitter Analysis

I conducted comprehensive web scraping operations. Additionally, I engaged in succinct exploratory and explanatory analyses, extracting valuable insights and proposing strategies to enhance tweet retweeting metrics.

Camera to denote movie industry
Chicago-Divvy's Future Success

I used Chicago Divvy public data to evaluate users' membership conversion rate, determine trends and theorize what was causing them. I was then able to recommend ways improve future success based on those findings.

Camera to denote movie industry
Nigeria Presidential Election

Gathered tweets on the Nigeria General 2023 Election, cleaned and refined the dataset, and crafted an insightful dashboard for in-depth analysis and visualization of election dynamics and public sentiments.

Prosper Loan Delinquency
Prosper Loan Delinquency

In this project, I analyzed the prosper load data, studied the trends and concluded that monthly income, loan amount and borrower's rate significantly affect the prosper rating and a good predictors of delinquency.

Camera to denote movie industry
Super Store Profit Prediction

In this project, I conducted Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and built a linear regression model to gain insights into the superstore data and make informed decisions about marketing and sales strategies.

Camera to denote movie industry
Movie Success Determinants

Performed a comprehensive descriptive analysis of movie datasets, identifying trends, extracting actionable insights, and providing strategic recommendations for optimal practices in new movie releases to enhance mass acceptability

Camera to denote movie industry
Predicting Apartments Price

The main aim of the work is to emphasize the various steps needed to build such a model. I also explained the possible methods to deploy the model, including wrapping the model in a function to implement a program.

Camera to denote movie industry
Road Accident Dashboard

Employed DAX for advanced measurement calculations. Emphasized analyzing major causes of casualties and identifying vehicles most susceptible to these incidents for informed decision-making and preventive measures.

Camera to denote movie industry
Predicting Apartments Price

The main aim of the work is to emphasize the various steps needed to build such a model. I also explained the possible methods to deploy the model, including wrapping the model in a function to implement a program.

Camera to denote movie industry
Market Basket Analysis

In business analysis, the Apriori algorithm can be used to analyze transactional data and identify items frequently purchased together, such as pairs of items. This information can inform marketing strategies, such as cross-selling.

Camera to denote movie industry
Faulty Air Quality Sensor

Developed a multi-class classification model to identify and classify faults according to specified categories. The model can be used to flag a device returning faulty data automatically. It helps in the early diagnosis of faulty.

Camera to denote movie industry
Human Resources Management

Crafted an insightful HR dashboard focusing on gender distribution, promotion eligibility, retirement projections, and commute distance analysis. It helps for effective workforce management.

Camera to denote movie industry
Mystery in Fiftyville

Welcome to my SQL research project! I used SQL to analyze and investigate a large dataset to find patterns, trends, and insights that might take time, if not impossible, to discover from the raw data.

Camera to denote movie industry
Earthquake Damage

I developed a model to predict the severity of earthquakes in Kavrepalanchok. The purpose is to obtain the best model and depth for the prediction and to emphasize the various steps needed to build such a model.


Python 90%
SQL 85%
Pandas 85%
Java-Script 86%
Excel 87%
Power BI 80%
Scikit-learn 72%
Django 70%


Experienced data scientist and analyst skilled in statistical analysis, data visualization, machine learning. Expertise Python, SQL, Power BI & Excel.


  • Data Analysis:
  • Data Visualization
  • Machine Learning
  • SQL and Data Manipulation

Leveraging data to drive strategic decision-making and business growth!



Lagos, Nigeria

